Team Volunteers & Delegations

Parent Volunteers

One of the most important things the Team Manager can do is delegate!! Most parents will be prepared to volunteer in some capacity.

Parent volunteer positions include:

1. Team Treasurer 
2. Fundraiser 
3. Safety Team
4. Grievance Person 
5. Jersey Parent or Parents
6. Tournament Rep(s)
7. Picture & Apparel Parent
8. Data Entry (Recommended for U11 and up)
9. Association Bingo
10. Casino Night (Every 3 years)

Once volunteers have been selected, the team manager should circulate a volunteer position list to all parents.
This will help direct information and ideas to the proper person. The Team Manager should be aware of or involved in the operations of these sub-committees and should pass along updates to the rest of the team. Should a volunteer not carry through with their tasks, this supervision and monitoring will ensure the problem is caught early on.

Here is a breakdown of the volunteer positions with a small description:

1. Team Treasurer
The team treasurer will take care of all money for the season. This is a 2-person signing account, meaning any  cheques written need 2 signatures. Typically, the treasurer and manager will be on the account. The Treasurer on the Executive will give all teams a copy of the minutes in order to go change the signors from the previous year. This document will need to be taken to Servus Credit Union in Blackfalds. Once they have it, they change the information and will email documents to both signors to sign via docusign. The team treasurer will be responsible for making up a spreadsheet to keep track of the money made from fundraising, etc. and the money spent (going to tournaments, apparel, etc.). Each team will be given 50 cheques and a deposit book. Leftover cheques and the deposit book Must be returned to the BMHA Treasurer at the end of season; along with a statement of account by March 31st of that hockey season. The team accounts need to be under $10.00 by April 1 of that hockey season. Any monies left in the account after April 1 st , will go back into BMHA.
At the team meeting, you will need to decide on whether or not you will collect seed money from the families on your team. IF you enter an away tournament that is early in the season and you need to pay for that tournament, OR you would like to order team apparel, you have the option to ask parents for seed money. This money could be given back at the end of a season once you have had a chance to fundraise or find a team sponsor.

2. Team Fundraiser
The fundraiser, with help from the team parents, will decide on what fundraising they would like to do for the season, if any. You MUST contact the BMHA Fundraising Executive with ALL plans for fundraising so they can moderate which teams are doing what. Any licensing needing to be pulled (i.e. Booze Baskets) are the team’s responsibility to obtain from AGLC (after you have approval from the Fundraising Executive). 
Determining what funds can be spent on - Please see Appendix E - Gaming & Non-Gaming Money for examples of what fundraising can be spent on, depending on if it’s a licensed (gaming) or non-licensed (non-gaming) fundraiser. If there any questions regarding this, please contact the fundraiser at

3. Safety person - Mandated by Hockey Alberta (typically a coach)
There are three key responsibilities for the Team Safety Person:
1. Work to prevent injuries through implementing effective risk management procedures.
2. Lead the management of injuries from the time of occurrence to returning to play.
3. Promotes the health and safety of the participants through role modeling and education.
U7: One team official per 10 players on the team is REQUIRED to complete the safety program - which is an online course (see below). 
U9-U18 - Minimum one team official per team.
All Hockey Alberta teams must have 1 person registered to their team that has completed the online Hockey Canada Safety Program, known as “Trainer / Safety - Hockey Canada Safety Program - Level 1”, and be at ALL games. It’s recommended this person be a parent who is committed to attending ALL games. You can have more than 1 parent registered as a safety person.
This certification is valid for a period of three (3) hockey seasons from the date of completion (expiring on September 1st ).
To find the course, click HERE
For more information on the Safety persons duties see our SAFETY TEAM page under the coaches tab. 

4. Grievance Rep / Parent Liaison
Grievance Rep is a parent on the team that will work to resolving issues that may arise throughout the season, with the assistance of the Division Director. Grievance is for your own team! Read more on the Grievance Procedure.

5. Jersey Parent or Parents
You can ask for 1 or 2 volunteers for this position. Some teams have a Home Jersey Parent and an Away Jersey Parent (although, both sets of jersey’s should be at every game, just in case 1 set is forgotten….yes it has happened!!). Jersey parents are required to bring washed, clean jersey’s to the games. Washing after every game (at higher levels especially) is recommended. Jersey parents will also ensure that all jersey’s are handed in at the end of the year. Players are NOT allowed to take jersey’s home with them.

6. Tournament Rep(s)
The tournament Rep(s) will be in charge of planning the HOME tournament for their child/children’s age group. Depending on how many teams are in that age group, there could be 1 or 2 volunteers from each team to be on this planning committee (to be safe, have a main volunteer and a second or back up, just in case 2 is needed).
This committee will be headed by the Tournament Rep on the Executive; they will help and guide to ensure a successful home tournament. You will need to email the tournament rep the name(s) of your volunteers so they can contact them when needed.
Home tournament dates & information can be found here : Hosted Tournaments and Jamborees

7. Picture & Apparel Parent:
Picture Night:
o Volunteer (can be manager too) will be the one to fill out the team information once the pictures are taken. Usually, the photographer will send the team photo and have
you identify each player/coach in order on the picture.
o All players will receive a photo mate at no cost.

o BMHA has created a guideline that must be followed when ordering team apparel, such as colors of track suits/jackets, stitching colors, etc. For Apparel expectations and
Preferred Apparel suppliers, please visit Apparel page for more information. 
o Teams can purchase team apparel…either through non-AGLC fundraising monies, sponsors for the team or having each parent buy their own.
o If your team decides to place a team order, they will be the one to connect with the store and get sizing samples, write each player’s sizing down, help collect the money
for the apparel (if needed) and pick up the order.
o If you get team sponsorship (if a company wants to sponsor apparel for all the kids of your team), you will have to figure out what clothing you can get in the amount
sponsored. It could be hoodies, toques, track suits or just a jacket or pants. That is up to you to decide with the sponsor.

8. Data Entry
Data entry person will help the manager by entering the scores/penalties from each HOME game. These must be entered as is on the game sheet, you cannot make changes! Send them with the home copy of the game sheet to do this. The games Need to be entered by midnight on the Monday following the game, or a $50 fine could be sent from CAHL.
The registrar will need to send in a form to CAHL for the Data Entry Person (just letting them know who it is).
Please let the Registrar and/or Manager Liaison know who your team data entry person is, along with their
contact info as soon as you have it. Contact the Manager Liaison or Registrar with any questions.

9. Association Bingo’s
Your team will need to secure 4-10 people to work a bingo. Once the Fundraiser on the Executive has dates and times for the bingo’s for the year, he/she will determine which teams are working which dates and send an email to all team managers, letting you know your date. If you share a date with another team, you would need to have 4-5 parents volunteer. If your team has their own bingo date, you will need 8-10 volunteers. IF a volunteer can no longer work the bingo, they are responsible for covering the shift or to pay someone else to work the bingo on behalf of your team. You as manager, are not responsible for finding someone else to fill that spot.

10. Casino Night
Every 3 rd year, BMHA gets a Casino night. The Fundraiser on the Executive will send an email out to team managers asking for 1 volunteer per team. From the names they receive from each team, they will then do a draw for the 10 volunteers needed and the Fundraiser will contact those managers and let them know their volunteer was chosen. The shifts are usually 3 pm to 1 am and most likely on a weekday.




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