It is important that the Team Manager understand the requirements to be available and follow the CAHL game schedule. Your team MUST be available to accommodate for any game changes during the tiering round and for the first two (2) weekends and the last weekend of regular season. Your team is welcome to go to tournaments on the tiering break weekend in November and weekend(s) you have submitted to the League Scheduler that have been approved.
Rescheduling games is sometimes required, for various reasons. All that is required is that you follow the game postponement or change procedures and policy. CAHL will allow you two (2) game changes per regular season. If you need to reschedule a home game, you need to ask the Ice Scheduler for dates/times to offer the other manager. You will then contact the manager from the opposing team to offer the dates from the Ice Scheduler (same process for away, but you will be offered the ice from the other manager). Once a date has been set, please fill out the game change form and sign it, along with the other manager signing and then send it to you CAHL Governor for signature/approval. These forms can be found on the CAHL website under Forms, Other Forms (Game Change Form - A copy of the form is attached in Appendix B.
You can find a list of the managers for other teams on the CAHL website as well.
You can select the town or city you want to see contact info for (just make sure you select the right Team/Tier).
For example, if you want to find the Managers contact info for Olds U11A, you would go under Team Contacts/ Olds/ U11T1-OldsA. The Coaches and Manager’s names, email and phone number should be listed.
Weather Related Game Issues (from the CAHL website)
You do not have the authority to cancel a game.Please follow the policy below:
• Officially the CAHL does not tell a team they have to travel and they do not cancel or postpone games either because of weather. They are not in the vehicles that have to travel to the other locations; the travelling teams need to decide not CAHL.
• So Governors will not approve any cancellation of any games due to weather; as well not advise any team they have to travel. The travelling team must decide if it is safe to travel or not.
• Officially; The CAHL Weather Policy is: Game Regulations section 9 L part 4: In the instance that a significant poor or bad weather event has happened or imminently will happen in the area a visiting team must travel to or through to get to a scheduled CAHL game, Section 9 L, part 4 / 4a above and the remaining portions of this policy will not come into affect if:
1. there is agreement in writing (email is acceptable) that both CAHL members (both Team Managers/Coaches and both CAHL Directors or their designate) feel that it is not safe to travel
2. a detailed written agreement (email is acceptable) is forwarded to the responsible Tier Governor, Division Lead Governor and Division Vice President that identifies the agreement and the efforts to reschedule the game happen as soon as practical
3. both parties split the costs evenly of the Ice and Referees for the game affected by the weather. The Home team Member will invoice the guest member for 50% of the game costs associated with the weather interruption.
4. The Visiting team member will have 30 days to pay the invoice, or the remaining portions of the rule below may apply.